noun: a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications. So that's not quite what I am, but I do provide social commentary free of charge.

Friday, April 15, 2005


I love getting off work early, in effect allowing myself to beat the rush hour traffic.

However, as a reminder for those people who take the 53E home, avoid being around Bayview around 3pm. That's when the Catholic kids get off school. My goodness are there a lot of them. And my goodness are they rude, obnoxious and loud. I can't even catnap in peace and quiet and regardless of how loudly I turn up the volume on my mp3 player, it's not enough to drown out the incessent sounding of their rants about boys, girls, sex, sex, sex...did I mention sex?

There's really something to be said about the Catholic school system. It's like they repress their students to the point where they think about sex every waking second of the day. It doesn't help that near that bus stop there is one all boys school and one all girls school. Get over it people! Girl, meet guy. Guy, meet girl. Now that they've met, can they please pipe down?!


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