noun: a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications. So that's not quite what I am, but I do provide social commentary free of charge.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Roadblock

Even though I've been finished final examinations since April 7th at 5pm, I haven't been fully freed for summer. The only thing that stands in my way at this point? Well, it's a pretty big blockade. DISNEY.

I worked on a consulting project for them that involved doing some marketing research on their current levels of brand equity in the Canadian marketplace with a group of classmates for our Marketing Research course. (Did that sentence sound like a bunch of mumbo jumbo? That's ok. If it sounds impressive, all the better. I'll include it on my resume ;)) Anyway, this also happens to be the group with deluded members, abrasive members, lazy members who value going to a fashion show more than doing something for a school mark. People who believe that if you don't hold your dream job, it's not because of lack of luck but solely because of your lack of Passion. Bullshit. Anyway, this project is STILL not done.

I'm working on my parts of the write-up. Needless to say it's not going well. I'm still sore from shooting hoops yesterday. I have that "I'm getting sick" feeling. My muscles ache and my brain is unwilling to produce any relevant thoughts for the write-up.

This is what I'm going to be doing ALL week. Joy! [note sarcasm]


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