noun: a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications. So that's not quite what I am, but I do provide social commentary free of charge.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Me, being my random self.

Being random. Why not? I know I am and there's no shame to it. I can change a topic as fast as the next person (if not faster).

Mel and I went to Elizabethtown last night. I forgot how much I enjoy hanging out with my friends in person. I don't do it nearly enough. Intellectually stimulating conversations usually occur over the net, I'm sad to say. Although the lively conversations we have about Gilmore Girls and other teen shows in the Sports Management Society office are absolutely fabulous. [See, that was random.] I've always enjoyed the underlying themes of life in movies like Garden State and Elizabethtown. They make you think. I would wager that Garden State was a deeper movie. And while this movie had Orlando Bloom going for it, the annoyance/pest that is Kirsten Dunst didn't do it any favours.

Life lessons I've learned so far through watching these two movies:
  • It's better to feel pain, than to feel nothing at all because if you feel something...anything, that means that you're alive.
  • Why do you put things off in life thinking that there's going to be a tomorrow. There may not be. Live each to its fullest.
  • Spend time with loved ones. Appreciate their quirks and nuances. Those are likely the reasons why you love them.
  • Explore the infinite abyss that is life.
  • Fail. Fail big. And then let your failures shape you and make you stronger. [It's kind of a "grin-and-bear-it" technique]
Pretty deep huh? I'm rather proud of myself.

It also got me to thinking about the soundtrack of life. I think it exists. I love music enough to not be able to live without it. My life, my work, is all conducted with my songs of the moment playing in the background. I wonder if each song selection means something...

Oh yeah, my beloved Leafs have won two games in a row. Other than the pile of projects/assignments that are seemingly expanding on my desk as we speak, I would wager that life is pretty good right now.

PS: Special props go out to Jade. I'm as upbeat and optimistic right now because of you =)


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