And the world spins madly on.
Incidently, the title of this post corresponds to a song by The Weepies which is folky sounding but I love it. It's Wednesday night and Wednesday nights = One Tree Hill and One Tree Hill = new music. I'll always say it, but now I'll commit this thought to print, One Tree Hill has an amazing music department.
So it's been a whole year since I last wrote and even more surprisingly things have happened since that time.
The future, that simple world conjures so many feelings.
Feelings of happiness at having accomplished one of my life long goals. Going to University and earn a degree. Check.
Feelings of regret at having not done better that I did (not that I did all that poorly). Of certain decisions that were made and certain actions that remain untaken.
Feelings of pride at having survived and having met and established great friendships that I hope will last a lifetime.
Feelings of fear over the unknown. Where will we all end up? Will we fulfil all of our dreams? Where will we be in 5 years? 10 years?
This last question - where will we be in 5 years - I've actually turned into an activity that a few of my friends and I are working on. I was inspired by my favourite TV show and the movie A Walk to Remember and devised a questionnaire that allows the person filling it out to evaluate where they want to be and through this identification of life goals and hopes and dreams, devise a plan to attain it. I just finished filling mine out this evening and I'm dying to see what the others have written. But we won't be revisiting these answers for another 5 years. Patience is still not a virtue that I possess which definitely doesn't make this easy.
One of my life goals is to attain an Ivy League education. The comment about regret over actions not taken is directed towards my laziness and thus, failure to take the SATs. If I had taken them and done well on them, who knows where I would be right now. The only caveat is that I wouldn't have met all these great people at Schulich and met some of my best friends. So it's a give and take. Life is all about what-ifs, I must learn to not dwell on it. So, school is ending in a few months. But I have happy news. The girl without a plan now has a plan. I checked Infoweb on Monday morning (as I do everyday, several times daily) and the message finally changed. For those of you who don't know, Infoweb is the University of Ottawa's application tracking system. Anyways, the message changed on Monday. It now featured the word admit. So guess what? I'm going to Ottawa in September and will have a new home for the next three years. That's a huge change. As soon as I found out the news that I was accepted, a wave of relief washed over me with happiness mixed in. And now, I'm scared shitless. I guess it's true what they say, life is one big adventure. I'll just go with the flow. And I know that I didn't say it in my personal statement but I'll say it now, I love the University of Ottawa (and I really do, if for nothing else but the fact that they were willing to take a chance on me). Come visit! I'm up to watching a few Leafs vs. Sens games...let's hope that the Leafs get better so that they make the scoresheet during those games.
While I will likely become the newest student at the University of Ottawa, I still yearn to go to the States and go to an Ivy League school. I seriously don't think that I'll be done with my education until I do that. At this point, I think that even a summer course would suffice and satisfy my desire for this. So I think I'm going to give it a go for the MBA. I don't care that Schulich (my home school) is the 18th ranked business school in the world and that my MBA would only take me 8 months as opposed to 16 and that Schulich is the cheapest MBA school in Canada. Nope, it's still not the dream. Schulich? I've been there and done that for my BBA. So what does that mean? I guess that means that I want to be a student for life. How will I finance all this? I have no clue. I have to actually work sometime to pay off all these debts.
I don't know if I'm ready for this big change. All my friends are going out into the world and becoming productive members of society. They will have positive cash flows whereas my cash flows will equal -$20K per year for the next 3 years. Regardless, law school is a means to an end. See? I do have a plan!!!
Congrats! As always =)
1:28 PM
The Ivies are overrated. :p But I like the sound of your plan. Do you think you will consider MIT/Sloan as an alternate to an Ivy program?
12:59 PM
I do know that the Ivies are overrated, sadly history and excellent brand management have allowed them to position themselves in my head in such a way that I would actually be willing to shell out ridiculous amounts of money to endure those academic rigours.
Definitely. MIT/Sloan is a great fact I think that Schulich has a relationship with MIT currently. The only thing holding me back there is the perception that any program associated with MIT would have a greater emphasis on technical analysis...I happen to enjoy my fluff :p
10:09 PM
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