noun: a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications. So that's not quite what I am, but I do provide social commentary free of charge.

Monday, October 17, 2005

The girl without a plan.

Whenever family or casual acquaintances find out that I'm in my last year of undergrad the conversation invariably turns to "so what do you have planned career wise?". All the heads turn and their eyes become fixated on me.

Right now, all I can say is "we'll see". And so they prod further.
What did you specialize in? Marketing and organizational behaviour
Have you had any job interviews? Yes, one with Boston Consulting but I didn't get called back for a second round.
Do you have any more interviews lined up? No. Not right now.
Are you still looking around and applying? Not at this very moment. School is kinda busy.

I'm sure that right now to a lot of people I'm the girl without a plan. I'm sure that someone of them are chuckling deep down because I'm a girl without a plan. Truth is, I think and hope that I've got something going on.

I do.

I just can't let everyone in on it yet.


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