March Madness.
So it's been over a month since my last post There are also something like 12 days left until I'm done with Schulich...forever! Things are quickly sneaking up on me, including major term projects that have yet to be started. I'll get through that somehow...
So let's see. A lot of things have happened since February. I'll run through a couple of them.
1. I booked my grad trip to Walt Disney World. Planning this trip proved to be quite a headache. Here's one of my greatest pet peeves: when people invite themselves to other people's parties (and I use the term party loosely). I had planned on going on this trip with 3 of my closest/best friends. When two of them had other trips (and a typically limited bank account), I was content to go with just my one friend. She, however was on a mission to save a few bucks, a move that ultimately came at the expense of my sanity for a few days and a couple of hours of sleep. So here's what happened. Apparently she had gone around her classes inviting people to this trip and touted that "the more the merrier". Of course, she wasn't the one planning the thing so of course it was all merry for her. In the end there came out to potentially 9 people who were interested in coming of which I was friends with 2 of the 9 with one person that I couldn't even match a name with their face. 9 isn't a multiple of 4 (which is the number of people per room). Eventually, it was wittled away to 6 and then 5. Ok, so 5 is a manageable number and I was ready to pull the trigger on the booking. The next snag was the fact that there were only four seats remaining on the flight. There was a point that evening that I thought that the trip just wouldn't happen and I kinda wished I had shut up about it and just gone with my cousins. In the end, the trip is happening for me and two others starting on April 24th and for the remaining two on April 26th. I guess it all worked out in the end but never again. Never.
2. The TTC treated me like shit and made a big stink about needing the last week of August off to move into Ottawa for law school. So I'm out one summer job. Oh well, it wasn't worth the grief and aggrevation anyway. So a professor hooked me up with a contact of his that works at the Blue Jays who had then forwarded my resume to this sports marketing company called Octagon. I was contacted by email shortly afterwards for an interview. I got the job description and it was almost like a dream come true. It was very close to my dream job. There was a part in the description that said must be bilingual. But a lot of companies do that so I didn't think too much of it. That was, until I received the confirmation email that told me that the latter half of the interview would be conducted en francais! Umm...I haven't used my French in five years!! Hell if I remember anything. So that led to a major freakout and an evening where I tried to stuff as much French in my head as possible. My goal for the interview was to walk out of it with some semblence of dignity left. I think I did that. I understood all of her questions and gave her answers, albeit they were lame answers, but they were answers nonetheless.
The moral to this story? Take the fact that you did French in high school and have conversational French off your resume if you haven't used it in five years!!!
3. It's my favourite time of year - March Madness. I fell in love with March Madness last year and it has quickly become the thing that I look the most forward to each year. March Madness also coincides with madness at school but the NCAA version is so much more enjoyable. Last year I played brackets on ESPN and finished in the 95th percentile out of approximately 5 million people who played (a stat that I for sure won't top this year). But this year, I adopted a team and quickly learned to regret the fact that out of laziness in my OAC year, I didn't take the SATs. I think I definitely missed out. I would have been a good Cameron Crazy! The same day that I found out about the job interview in French, my team - Duke (for those of you who didn't get the earlier Cameron Crazy reference) lost. Is this not the saddest picture?

So I'm a big JJ Redick fan...
And that brings us up to right now and I'm currently avoiding working on my Skill Application for a professor who we shall only call "Big Bertha!"
I guess I'll conclude this particular entry by quoting Coach K (very appropriate considering what I said in point 3), who very eloquently summed up my feelings about the group members that I've had this academic year.
"Whatever happens, you can handle wins or losses, but the quality of people you're dealing with determines the experience, and I've had a hell of an experience with these guys." - Coach K.
I couldn't have said it better myself. There are so many people that I'm going to miss in a mere 12 days. Life just won't be as fun without them...thank God for MSN.