noun: a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications. So that's not quite what I am, but I do provide social commentary free of charge.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Not your year...

In addition to being an enjoyable song by the Weepies, it looks like the title for this particular entry is also indicative of the fate for my various sports teams. [Note: I do not play on any sports teams, I have no athletic prowess whatsoever so this comment is in reference of the teams that I cheer for.] This fate became evident to me as my newly adopted Patriots blew a big lead to the Colts. What's worse was the fact that I procrastinated the numerous days previous to last Sunday and had a paper to finish before Monday at noon. Needless to say I was in no mood. However, the good news? I now have no emotional stake in the Super Bowl game and can enjoy it for the sake of its status as a huge sporting spectacle! It's the small victories people. Remember my new push for positivity? =P

Maybe next year Tom.

Typically, I've become engrossed with yet another sporting league/organization. So what on earth am I supposed to do with my Sundays now? Read?! Pfft. I'm saved by the fact that college ball is heating up in anticipation of March Madness.

My life can be summed up the following way:
Eat. Sleep. Sports. ....Oh yeah, and that pesky thing called school.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

And there it was...

An A, in all its beauty. The very last mark to be released and in Property no less. Property is a class that I all but stopped reading for and absolutely hated. But guess what's moved up in my books? ;)

There was a more unpleasant grade on my transcript but that's ok. It was only worth 25% and a great mark considering that I used the wrong burden of proof to answer a question that asked if the prosecution could secure a "committal" and not a "conviction". I guess I learned my lesson though - read carefully!!

Now I just need to get accepted to go on exchange and to get a job...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

You think it could never happen to you...

So by now you're probably curious and being the good friends that you are (if you're reading this blog you are) you may be concerned for my safety and well-being. Well, today was the beginning of the release of marks from the first semester.

Everyone tells you that Bs are good in law school and when they say that, you nod politely, thinking in the back of your head that you can and will be the exception - that you will be the one to get that elusive A. Afterall, As are what you've been getting your entire life and you've been in the company of intellectual people before so you can do it once again. Well I'm sad to report that the two courses that have been reported - among my "better" classes - I have 2 B+s. o.O; I'm disappointed but trying to put on a brave face because people do get lower marks and are happy with them. But they're not me. And these are the better's all downhill from here.

Here's my horoscope for today:
You are coming face to face with challenges that you would rather run away from and you are coping remarkably well. Although it is not yet evident, a process of liberation has been launched that will gather pace with the next new moon.

Liberation...there'd better be an A in my escape route.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Techniques in "How to put a class to sleep" (aka Advanced Dispute Resolution)

So it's January (way to state the obvious, right?) and Ottawa has dedicated this month to one, mandatory class for first years - Advanced Dispute Resolution (ADR). It's 4 hours of mental torture and agony. I feel like I'm back in kindergarten except for the fact that in kindergarten, I was allowed to go to the bathroom. It's seriously no wonder that they take attendance 3 times per class because we'd all bail if they didn't...but maybe they're doing this to make sure that we still have a pulse (in which case, it may not be such a bad idea after all). While I appreciate having the day free after 12:30pm to do as I please, the 8:30am start times are killing me.

I've also found that I'm really good at wasting time. This is a skill that I have almost perfected, but alas it's not exactly something to write home about or put on one's resume. Anyways, as if MSN and Facebook, combined with all the television that I watch already weren't enough, I decided to start watching the one sport that I've never bothered to learn about - football. Guess how I've been spending my weekends lately? That's right, watching football. Yesterday, I looked up at my clock after the Giants-Eagles game and was absolutely horrified by the fact that it read 8pm! Where had my day gone? But don't cry any tears for me. I'm quite enjoying it. I've decided that I quite like Tom Brady and as such, am rooting for the Patriots. We'll see if any of the teams I root for have a shot this year. In the year of the NHL labour dispute (because we can never count on my Leafs to win, they haven't in 40 years) the teams I adopted as my own all won their respective Championships. Last year was a different story, if I liked you, you lost. Hopefully this is not the case this year but we'll see.

Anyways, I think I'm going to work out the ill effects of this morning's class with some television. Hopefully that will wake me up so that I can do it all again tomorrow. Joy [note sarcasm]

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What will 2007 bring?

I read my horoscope daily. Just a tip for those of you out there looking for a good one: check out the Toronto Star. It's eery sometimes. I've always wanted to go see a psychic and get my future told. I'm not one for surprises and I've always been the first to say that patience is not a virtue that I possess. That said, I have no idea what the future has in store. I'm just along for the ride and my fingers are crossed that everything works out in the end and that things happen for a reason.

Here's what my horoscope says:

You've been carrying too many responsibilities. It's been a challenging time, clouded by the sense of having to grind away without respite. The promise of much gain has fallen short of expectations. Then again, perhaps those expectations were too high, or perhaps they were the expectations of someone near and dear who's been driving you on like a donkey. Your ideal has been beyond reach. Even so, it has been a most productive time, providing new reserves of strength, tenacity and endurance. Be honest and admit there have been some glorious moments. They will provide the boost to blow away all woes. In 2007, you will make constructive changes to your inner and outer world, and also enjoy a glimpse of the perfect life. Allow your philosophical and reflective nature to blossom. Greater freedom and greater wisdom will reward your efforts. A redress regarding an unjust financial arrangement is in the cards.

Doesn't give me much in terms of direction. But it doesn't sound negative so that's a good thing. Come on guys, let's take a glass half-full perspective here.

So it's a new year. A "blank slate" if you will. Time to be ambitious and bold and declare that I will do this or accomplish that. It's been done before (i.e. every previous year) but what the heck, some things in life we do out of habit and making New Year's resolutions is one of them. With that said, here are mine:

1. Get in shape. (this is there every year, I haven't seen any improvement)
2. Remember to take time out to do the things I enjoy and have fun. Life can't be all about studying.
3. Live for the present and not for the future.
4. Spend more time outside of my room.
5. Spend less time on MSN. (yeah, again, not likely)
6. Don't concern myself with other people's business.
7. Keep up with my readings. (another thing that's not likely to happen)
8. Learn how to cook.
9. Do something entirely new. (I have issues with risk in that I dislike it)
10. Stop dwelling on past regrets and what ifs. (a harder task that you would think)
11. Work on lowering my fear of failure. (this is pretty entrenched fear so I'm seriously doubtful about this one)
12. Go on vacation or indulge myself in some other manner.

I think that's it. I'm sure I'll get a big hearty laugh out of this list this time next year.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Note to 2007: You'd better be a good one ;)